About Me: Medication
Of course I know the medication helps as well, but I strongly believe that self-awareness is the best medication for my disorder. You can give me all the meds in the world, sedate me, but I'll eventually become increasingly resistant to the treatment if I don't "buy in" to several things: 1. Yes I have this disorder. 2. Yes I NEED this medication to live a happy, better life. 3. I must be proactive, because this is MY LIFE first and foremost.
My spiritual life has been a blessing as well. Before my diagnosis I "felt" God sometimes and didn't others. My relationship, if I can call it that, with Him was hit and miss, up and down, unpredictable, on fire sometimes and completely dormant others, just as my life was. Since I have regained control...actually it's not regained, that insinuates I once had control...
Once I finally gained control of my mind, it very obediently followed my heart into a deep, prayerful, and meaningful relationship with my Lord and Savior. This has increasingly become the rock solid foundation I can rely upon in times of stress, happiness, anxiety, joy, anger, whatever. My spiritual side has become what it needs to be. The core, the center, the definition of me.
My relationship with God, my self-awareness and proactive approach to my illness, and lastly my physical medication have all been the right "prescription" for me.